Sunday, August 29, 2010

Penis Enlargement: How Masturbation Affects Penis Size

Can Masturbation Help You Get a Bigger Penis?

Recently, there has been much written about how masturbation affects penis size. Some say it can make your penis smaller, or at least keep it from growing. Others swear it will give you an enormous manhood. There are really no scientific studies being done, but a lot of speculation still exists. The thing most guys want to know is this. Can you get a bigger penis from masturbating?

Before we go on, let me be perfectly clear about one thing. Masturbating will not make your penis smaller. For most men that will be a huge relief! Of course, the bad news is that it will probably not make you any bigger either! The act of masturbation in and of itself will not have any effect on the size of your penis. None whatsoever! It will definitely not make you smaller, but it will not make you grow, either. The idea that it can create penile growth comes from the fact that the best way to make your penis grow is to follow a good penis exercise program, and some of the exercises closely resemble the act of masturbation.

One such exercise is called jelqing. The jelq is performed by gripping the penis near the base, and with an oiled hand sliding it slowly to the tip of your penis. Now, to be the most effective this movement should be done with your penis only about 50% erect, and you are not trying to ejaculate as you are when you masturbate. It is easy to understand, however, why some men would associate this exercise with the act of masturbating. There is one major difference. When the jelqing movements are combined with other specific exercises, they are very effective in creating growth.

When you understand how masturbation affects penis size you will not be disappointed if you fail to get bigger from mere self stimulation. Adding size to your penis takes work and requires dedication and patience. The good news is that it can be done. Just get a good exercise plan and stick with it. Your results will amaze you, and thrill your lover!


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