Thursday, August 26, 2010

Increase Penis Size with Non Penis Enlargement Methods

Non Penis Enlargement Methods to Increase Penis Size

The average adult human penis is about 6 inches in length and about 4.9 inches in width. While these are averages, you should also know that there are thousands of people in other size ranges as well. Also, there is no way to be very accurate about the average penis size as measurements are based on surveys. You cannot expect a fool proof survey where someone goes around pulling pants down to get an exact measurement.

Jokes aside, one might however be curious about what possibly decides his penis size. The following are factors that will play a role.

  • Good diet - A good diet is healthy for your body and your penis as well. A low fat diet will promote good blood flow in the body. The penis size, as you might or might not know, is determined by the amount of blood it can hold. If you have been used to a high fat diet, chances are that you have a high cholesterol level in your body which will impede the quality of blood flow into the penis. So, make it a point to be careful about your fat intake.
  • Smoking - If you are a smoker, there is again a good chance that you are not helping your chances in terms of maximizing your penis size. This is because smoking again encourages arterial narrowing which will reduce the amount of blood flow into the penis. Also, for smokers, the penis is the first organ affected as narrowing of the arteries first starts at the penis. This is because the arteries that go into the penis are already narrow to begin with. That is why ED or erectile dysfunction is such a big problem these days. If you quit smoking, you are essentially taking a big step to avoid ED in the future.
  • Tension or Stress - If you are not in a relaxed state, medical studies have shown that your blood flow is redirected to your hands and legs. If you are in a mentally stressed situation, your brain will redirect the blood flow into your hands and legs because it thinks that you are going to need them for self defense to fight against the source of stress. Funny as it may sound, the amount of blood flow into the penis is much more when you are relaxed than when you are stressed. Practice relaxation techniques like Yoga or deep breathing to encourage relaxation.
  • Body temperature - Have you noticed how your penis and scrotum shrink and hide when it is cold. The penis is largest when it is warm. It is always good practice to generally massage your penis area during a hot shower. This will encourage good blood flow. The best time to have sex is after a hot shower as the blood flow will be at its peak after the heat generated by the shower.
So, as a general rule, try to encourage maximum blood flow into the penis by keeping in mind the points above.

Masturbation Exercise for Penis Enlargement

Penis Enlargement Masturbation Exercise

Masturbation is one of the oldest exercises for increasing a man's penis size, yet has only recently come to the forefront as an effective method for doing such an endeavor. Every man can have a larger and thicker penis if the correct techniques are applied to that goal. Techniques that are very similar to the art of masturbation, are any of the penis enlargement sets that include disciplined workout routines and many other factors. One can say the difference between penis exercise masturbation routines and regular masturbation is that semi-hard-ons and non-ejaculation are two of the most important factors for enlarging your penis.

Timing is Critical in Penis Enlargement

One of the most popular questions from individuals who want to know more about penis masturbation exercises is in the timing apparatus. Make sure that your exercise routine, which is done on a daily basis, alternates between days off for rest and is 10 minutes or more in duration. The reason for this is that your penis skin tissue, septum, cells and body tissues, bladders and everything else that makes up a penis needs time to relearn or just simply learn for the very first time, to be stretched. That is why a minimum time of 10 to 15 minutes will be sufficient so that the penis has enough repetitions and sets to get acclimated with the lengthening process.

Warm Towel Assistance

There are some specific situations that you need to familiarize yourself with such as, when starting any penis exercise program and one of those is the warm-up. In this activity all you have to do is get a warm, clean-sterile towel and wrap it around the base and all the way up to the head of your penis. Most men just entirely cover their penis in the warm towel and that's fine as long as the warm-up is concentrated on completely. For those cold-wintry mornings in Chicago or Baltimore, hardly anyone wants those cold mittens around something as sensitive as their penis so make certain that your hands are warmed up as well as the shaft. Now that everyone's all warm and toasty are you ready to start exercising that penis to make it longer and thicker and stronger? Well cool, so lets get down to it!

Repetition Reason for Penis Enlargement

Since these exercises are nothing more than repetitive massaging of your penis with a definite goal of enlarging the size and the girth, it is important to recall that abrasions and chaffing are real live, issues. No one wants to be sidelined with an injured penis that could have been alleviated or dodged altogether with just a little squirt of regular hand-lotion. It does not matter what the lubricant is, as long as it inflicts no pain or harm onto the skin of the penis and is safe for absorption as well. Remember that the tip of the penis is an opening that runs all the way to the bladder. You do not want to have an infection in there from using something that is not intended for that such purpose. Good luck and start off slowly. Before you know it you will look down and notice some increase in size and this will simply be amazing when that happens.

Homemade Penis Enlargement Devices

Homemade Penis Enlargement Devices You Can Easily Build!

Many men consider the size of their penis to equate to the size of their personality and characteristic or other qualities. One of the best ways to improve upon that weakness in the realm of diminutive penis size is to learn a little bit about homemade penis enlargement devices. When it comes to penis devices to enlarge that main vein downstairs, it is important to realize that safety must come before economic savings. No one wants to be stuck with an injured penis and a small penis at the very same time!

Do not break the Bank

Here we will look at some of the safest and reasonably-effective homemade penis enlargement devices that did not break the bank are the penis! One of the oldest known techniques for making a man's penis larger and longer is hanging weights from the penis. Obviously hanging any amount of weight from a man's penis is something that should be taken into various considerations before being initiated. In order to make your very own penis weight hanger you'll need two pieces of rigid material such as wood or hardened plastic. The first step is to drill holes on either side and then to thread a resilient yet nonirritating link of string through the holes. The holes are then attached with a bolt and this prohibits the weights from slipping back through the holes.

Wrap a Piece of Cloth around your Penis

The next step for the weight hanging penis enlargement project is to wrap a piece of cloth around your penis for protection and ultimate comfort. The main danger here is two-fold with the first being that the weights can injure the penis sometimes permanently and secondly from rubbing or chaffing are chafing of the apparatus. The best location to attach the device is to the shaft of the penis just below the head. In this way if there is any pain or any other type of discomfort such as numbness or discoloration of the penis it can be detached immediately.

2 3 Pound Weights

Last but not least the lines are attached to a 2 to 3 pound weight and then as the days pile on top of one another the weight can be increased ¼ pound every five days. The goal for any penis weight hanging device that was homemade is to add length and girth to the penis without breaking it off in the process!

Be Careful at all Times

While hanging weights from one's penis sound like a great idea and some that can be done moderately and with ease there are some tricks to create the device for your penis that should be followed. The first is that 2.5 or 3 pounds may not sound like a lot of weight but when it is attached to your penis it could feel like the Empire State Building if something goes awry.

Easy Does It

The goal is not to put too-much stress on the penis at the very beginning of the weight disbursement home apparatus program. These homemade penis enlargement devices are very low cost alternatives to buying a professional store bought one yet the safety factor must be taken in consideration before anything is attached to your Main Johnson.

The Most Effective Male Penis Enlargement Technique

Jelqing Exercise - The Most Effective Male Penis Enlargement Technique

Jelqing is an ancient exercise performed by many tribes for thousands of years. It is known as the most effective male penis enlargement method. It is also called as milking since the technique works like milking a cow.

The practice of this male penis enlargement routine helps generate more blood circulation into the penis. As more blood is carried specifically to the penile chambers called Corpora Cavernosa, the penis becomes larger. Every time the exercise is done, the cell walls of the penis expand, thus helping in the increase of the girth and length of the male genitalia.

The Exercise
The jelq exercise can be done in a few different variations. But, according to studies, only one of the variations works well since it gave more amazing results to most men. The variation can be done with the use of both hands. You just have to grip firmly around your penile base using your thumb and forefinger in its semi-circle or okay figure.

Then you can pull on your penis firmly but gently starting from its base. Be sure to avoid using too much force otherwise you could injure or damage your penis. While you are gripping and pulling your penis, stretch it in a downward then outward manner. Remember to perform this only when your penis is on its semi-erect state.

Furthermore, alternate your hands as you start milking your penis from its base but do not milk the head of your member. Perform this male penis enlargement version for about 5 times a week. You can use 100 strokes on your starting week, then 200 on the second and 300 on the third and so on and so forth.

Do not forget your warm-up routine to prepare your penis for the main exercise. Then, always keep in mind to perform the exercise on its semi-erect position. This approach will help you avoid causing damage to the veins of your penis. However, you also need to make sure that you do not perform the exercise if your penis is on its flaccid state. Make sure it is no more than ¾ erect. You can also use some lubricant to avoid bruising your beloved member. Then, perform your cool down exercise to help your penis regenerate.

Once you do the jelqing exercise consistently, your penis will certainly become longer and thicker. You can see the first positive result within a few weeks. If you continue performing this male penis enlargement exercise for a couple of months, you will surely increase your member's size to its maximum potential.

Penis Enlargement Creams

Penis Enlargement Creams - Why They Don't Work

Many men who are under-sized would prefer a thicker longer more-penetrating penis and while there are many methods in which to go about this endeavor, penile enlargement creams are not the chosen and most viable options. Why is this? Why can't someone wipe on some cream and magically have a 9 inch penis emerge the next morning and be as thick as a can of beans? Other than the standard reasons why this has not a snowball's chance in hell of working, the more definitive and least known reasons will be discussed right now.

Wild West had Some Cream Enlargement Salesman?

Penis creams have been around since the early 20's and 30's and possibly even longer. Maybe even the Wild West had some cream enlargement salesman that canvassed the desert plains searching for the desperate small-penile men in which to hawk their snake oils and lubrications. It seems that the only thing that has changed is the landscape of that snake oil salesman as the penis enlargement creams that promise the world are all over the Internet and sometimes so thick you go to wade through them!

They do not Sufficiently Infiltrate the Epidermal Layer of the Penis

We are here to help you navigate the waters of the creams that promise the world but give nothing but a much-lighter wallet and more debits on the debit card. The truth of the matter is when it comes to enlarging the penis some creams, if not all, do not work. The reasons why many researchers and study groups have given for the reality that the penis creams cannot work are because of one simple factor. They do not sufficiently infiltrate the epidermal layer of the penis and that's then relatively useless. The cream manufacturers have even gone so far as to double or liberally lie and misdirect when it comes to the truth about penis creams or enlarging the mighty Johnson. What they have said and 'they' are the cream manufacturers and third-party salesmen who sell this garbage are that the creams create a vein expansion and tissue enlargement results from that expansion. The truth is that the penis creams cannot do that at all.

Should be Happy Salesmen Pitch the Creams for Penile Enlargement are Story-Tellers

What all that means is that the lotion has a chemical or so they want you to believe that infiltrates the epidermal and sub epidermal layers of the penis and soak into the veins of the tissues. Hogwash, as this is important to realize that if that was the case in every type of cream you put on your body would immediately or eventually work its way through your skin layers to your arteries and veins and that would be a terrific medical nightmare. We should be happy that the salesmen that pitch the creams for penile enlargement are story-tellers. What would we do if the creams actually could penetrate our skin layers to the bone?

Use Your Hands to Warm Up Before You Exercise to Enlarge Your Penis

Penis Enlargement Exercise Tips - Use Your Hands to Warm Up Before You Exercise

Some of the best penis enlargement exercise tips can be found right here for your eyes only! Without trying to seem smug or overconfident, we do understand that everyone should know by now that you need to use only your hands to warm up before exercising any penis enlargement routine. Many individual guys have come to believe that penis enlargement exercises are a waste of time and should be scrapped altogether. Yet they would be mistaken as there are many clinical and medical studies that point to the raw liability and accuracy of penis enlargement exercises.

Millions of Men across the World Agree

Proper execution of a penis enlargement exercise can bring about a longer and stronger penis as many millions of men across the world can attest to. There are so many benefits currently with exercising for growth of the penis that it is difficult to list them all! We can certainly speak about a couple of them at the very least right here and right now.

Take Care of your Partner at all Times during Sexual Intercourse

The first and most overall impressive benefit of having a larger penis is satisfying one's sexual partner. Women love men that have a longer penis especially when they had a moderate to severely- limited one only a few months ago! There are a few different types of exercises that really are showing great benefits for those delving into these penis exercise and routines. The first is called the Kegel exercise which was targeted not for men but for women when they first started doing the exercises. Other than kegel exercises there is also stretching of the tissue which is called, by the way, penis stretching exercises. What these exercises will do when properly executed with a will increase not only the link but the girth of the penis in almost every case.


The last example of a penis exercise enlargement routine will look at is called Jelqing. Known to be effective for many centuries and used by Arabian tribes that were nomadic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, these enlargement exercises are visibly on the incline. A good way to see if Jelqing can be a beneficial penis exercise routine for you is to take your penis in your hand and the side softly up and down for about 10 minutes. If your unit becomes aroused and stiffens-up this is great because it shows that you can sustain a hard erection or at least initiate arousal through a hardened penis.

Greatest Penis Enlargement Exercise Tip

The best tip we could possibly grant you at this time in the routine is to have plenty of rest at all times. Do not let haste make waste as this is one of the most-easily avoided trouble spots in the entire penis enlargement routine. By adequately taking care of the body you will see improved statistics such as length and girth and the permanence of the gains will be that much better completed.

Explosive Tips to Increase Penis Size

Easy Penis Enlargement - Explosive Tips to Increase Penis Size

One way to increase the size of the penis is to utilize what is referred to as deep-tissue exercises. In this form of penis enlargement exercise what you will have to do is manipulate the Tunica. This area of the penis is the one that surrounds both the cavernous and septum in the penis. The primary goal is to train the septum and deep tissues of the penis to recall their new found lengthened positioning. Is that not the coolest thing you have heard in quite sometime?

Septum Importance for Growth

The septum of the penis, although not an easy structure to access, is a key factor when attempting to enlarge the penis. With a little research and knowledge, such as what can be found right here on this review, you will learn some explosive tips to increase penis girth and length as well as do something for that ego that may be a bit tarnished by having a smaller unit than what you would like. Do not be deterred by a smaller penis right now as we are going to help you with only the best techniques on how to grow that Mr. Johnson into a long-shaft that will have your girlfriend or wife begging for more!

High School Anatomy 101 Again!

Penis enlargement exercises are a great way to learn about your very important main-member down there and also learn a little bit of both cell and tissue structure. It is like anatomy all over again yet this time it is for a bonafide great reason and not just a grade! What is extremely important to realize about penis enlarging exercises is that some can cause permanent damage if not done correctly. As no one wants to have a damaged penis as this defeats the whole aspect of penis enlargement in the first place.

Deep Tissue Exercises

A great way to start out by learning how to enlarge your penis is to understand deep tissue exercises. These exercises are aimed at elongating through recall the deeper structures of the interior of the penis that normal PE can not hope to impact. The septum can be thought of as a semi-rigid yet elastic structure that separates the left half from the right half of the penis.

Self-Inspection of Penis Primary Concern

A great way to determine the right exercise to increase the longitudinal aspect of the tunica otherwise known as the septum, is to do a manual inspection and try to feel for that structure on the inside of the penis. What you are looking for or more importantly and more correctly what you are feeling for is a thin-strand that is rough in texture yet in no way feels like just skin tissue. Another great analogy to what the septum is, within the penis, is to think of a chicken gristle. Even though chicken gristle is much more rigid and larger in most cases than a man's penis septum it is a good match in theory.

Careful Penis Stretching Best

Make certain that you do not injure yourself when you do any type of deep tissue stretching exercises as this can happen more than any man would think or like! The realm of penis exercising is hands-down the best way to a larger penis. Deep tissue stretches are a great way to a larger penis and we will instruct you on how to do them right here and right now. Start by warming the hands as if out in the cold, frigid wintery-conditions of New York City and apply a generous lathering of hand-cream no matter how much it is or cost. Your penis health is much, ions, more important than any 15.00 cream or even 1500.00 creams! With the lube-job complete and ready for action, grasp the penis and start a downward deep pulling motion and hold that position for a 25 count. The goal here is to train the deep tissues in to remembering their position and vastly increase the size of your penis!

The Best Penis Enlargement Technique

The Best Penis Enlargement Technique Among Self Administered Device Assisted Methods

Two factors are most important when determining the best penis enlargement technique. First, it should be proven effective as any man using male enhancement device would naturally want sizable, permanent results. But effectiveness isn't all that matters. Any male enhancement technique must also be able to guarantee safety.

By using constricting devices such as rings or common household items like a shoe string or cable clamp, men can resort to the technique known as clamping. Clamping, however, is widely considered to be highly risky as it can result in a severe damage to the organ.

Possibly the oldest form of self-applied penis enlargement method, hanging calls for the use of a device such as a rope or a strap, one end of which is attached to the glans penis (head) and the other end is attached to a weight. Weight hanging, however, also poses risks to the penis, such as nerve damage, chronic pain, and even erectile dysfunction. In fact, a significant number of tribal men who practice hanging are impotent.

Arguably the best penis enlargement method compared to clamping and hanging, stretching entails the application of a constant traction force on the penis, allowing penile cells to "split," then reform and expand.

Several studies have shown that penis stretching devices can permanently increase penile length and girth, with results correlating with the amount of time that they are worn. These devices are also guaranteed to be safe, and will work with the body's natural ability to adapt to traction.

Penis Enlargement Without Using Pills

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Without Using Pills

If you want to make your penis bigger, there is nothing wrong. In today's world, people are accustomed to changing the parts of their body they don't like (think plastic surgery). Your penis isn't that different from other parts of your body and your desire to increase the size of your penis is absolutely normal. However, since penis enlargement is still a partial taboo in the western society, you may lack necessary information to make right choices. I hope that this little article will help you to understand the basics of penis enlargement methods and techniques.

The most heavily promoted option involves use of so called penis enlargement (or male enhancement) pills. If you remember some TV commercials (smiling Bob...), you even may know some of the most advertised products. To find out whether penis enlargement pills work or not, let's look at some examples (I won't mention specific names because of trademarking issues) and see what these pills are made of.

A significant majority of male enhancement pills constitute a mix of herbal ingredients. Most of those have exotic names such as Korean red ginseng root or muira puama extract. But let not these exotic names fool you -- these are still simple herbs, which cannot have a permanent effect on your penis size. They may sometimes provide a temporary boost to your erections, but this is not guaranteed and is in no way permanent. There are penis enlargement pills in the market, which contain heavy synthetic ingredients, but those pills are even worse than herbal ones because of the serious side-effects they have. Overall, I don't recommend using penis enlargement pills. You may try the herbal ones (since they are safe) but don't expect permanent results.

The only methods of penis enlargement endorsed by doctors and confirmed by clinical studies are penis exercises. These exercises may be performed manually or may require use of special devices (such as penis extenders). Penis enlargement exercises are absolutely safe and guaranteed to increase your penis size within three to six months.