Many men who are under-sized would prefer a thicker longer more-penetrating penis and while there are many methods in which to go about this endeavor, penile enlargement creams are not the chosen and most viable options. Why is this? Why can't someone wipe on some cream and magically have a 9 inch penis emerge the next morning and be as thick as a can of beans? Other than the standard reasons why this has not a snowball's chance in hell of working, the more definitive and least known reasons will be discussed right now.
Wild West had Some Cream Enlargement Salesman?
Penis creams have been around since the early 20's and 30's and possibly even longer. Maybe even the Wild West had some cream enlargement salesman that canvassed the desert plains searching for the desperate small-penile men in which to hawk their snake oils and lubrications. It seems that the only thing that has changed is the landscape of that snake oil salesman as the penis enlargement creams that promise the world are all over the Internet and sometimes so thick you go to wade through them!
They do not Sufficiently Infiltrate the Epidermal Layer of the Penis
We are here to help you navigate the waters of the creams that promise the world but give nothing but a much-lighter wallet and more debits on the debit card. The truth of the matter is when it comes to enlarging the penis some creams, if not all, do not work. The reasons why many researchers and study groups have given for the reality that the penis creams cannot work are because of one simple factor. They do not sufficiently infiltrate the epidermal layer of the penis and that's then relatively useless. The cream manufacturers have even gone so far as to double or liberally lie and misdirect when it comes to the truth about penis creams or enlarging the mighty Johnson. What they have said and 'they' are the cream manufacturers and third-party salesmen who sell this garbage are that the creams create a vein expansion and tissue enlargement results from that expansion. The truth is that the penis creams cannot do that at all.
Should be Happy Salesmen Pitch the Creams for Penile Enlargement are Story-Tellers
What all that means is that the lotion has a chemical or so they want you to believe that infiltrates the epidermal and sub epidermal layers of the penis and soak into the veins of the tissues. Hogwash, as this is important to realize that if that was the case in every type of cream you put on your body would immediately or eventually work its way through your skin layers to your arteries and veins and that would be a terrific medical nightmare. We should be happy that the salesmen that pitch the creams for penile enlargement are story-tellers. What would we do if the creams actually could penetrate our skin layers to the bone?
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